Regardless of which group you may fall into, if you're a Spyro fan, you'll probably get past the doldrums because of the super-snazzy cinematic cutaways and slick touch-screen boss battles that wait at the end of each area.

Others will enjoy how the game lets them constantly cut loose with Spyro's fearsome attacks.

Some players will find the constant combat overly repetitive and run-of-the-mill. At the same time, they've thrown out Spyro's history and conjured up a new origin story that introduces new allies and enemies into the purple dragon's fantasy world. Vivendi Games and Amaze Entertainment have completely overhauled the game engine from Spyro: Shadow Legacy, switching the emphasis purely to combat and nixing the collect-a-thon and role-playing aspects that everyone hated. As the title implies, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning represents a "do over" for the Spyro franchise.