The texture brushes will not auto-flatten so remember to select batches of your strokes and flatten them as you work. Since Animate Pro’s drawing tools are vector based, what the program does is instead of filling the brush strokes with a solid colour, it will now fill the brushstrokes with the texture using the current color selection from your palette instead of a solid filled brush stroke or B/W texture. A file browser will open, navigate to where you saved the TGA or PSD file/s and select the desired texture file and click “OK.” The box should now display a thumbnail of the texture. Scoll to the bottom of settings view for that brush and check the “enable texture” option then clickon the box below the “texture” label on the right hand side of the texture properties. In the brush tool properties view of Animate Pro, create a new brush, and select the new brush. save the texture in a TGA or PSD image file as those are the only image types that the brushes in Animate Pro will accept for creating texture brushes. Just keep in mind that the brush will only use the greyscale info of the texture where anything white will be transparent and blacks will be visible so it’s best to fill with higher contrast greyscale textures that can be tiled. Then fill the image with any kind of texture you want. To create custom texture brushes, in photoshop (or any other bitmap base graphics program) create a new document that is about 100 pixels by 100 pixels. In Animate Pro, the texture brushes can create the same kind of look and feel.

As far as brush styles like those in photoshop, you won’t be able to make brushes that behave/respond and look as they do in photoshop since Photoshop brushes are bitmap based.